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AP Language & Composition

Welcome to AP Language & Composition. By taking this class instead of English 3, you are accepting the challenge of preparing for the AP Language Test given in May, in addition to the TAKS ELA Exit Level Test in February.

AP English III includes reading and analysis of prose and poetry from various periods in American literature, as well as the study of the process of writing—from the discovery of the topic and preliminary drafts to revised, edited drafts and published products. You will keep a portfolio (folder) of your writing in the classroom. Writing will include journal writing, impromptu essays, full-length formal essays, and research.

As we read and discuss, we will consider the following questions: What does it mean to be an American? What is The American Dream? How does our culture today reveal our Puritan roots? How do issues and crises in America influence writers and their work? What part do writers play in formulating society's response to issues and crises of their time?

You are required to have read all assignments carefully and be prepared to discuss the readings on the assigned days. Even when you are not talking, I expect you to participate fully in class by thoughtfully considering the ideas of others, referring back to the text to rethink an idea, and taking notes.

Expect to plan, draft, and revise at least one major writing each grading period as you strive to increase and refine your communication skills. In the spring, you will complete a research project that will teach you proper documentation of sources and how to include outside sources in your writing in a natural way without plagiarizing.


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